lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016



Present tense:She breaks her promises on a irregular today
Past tense:She broke her promises on a irregular yesterday
Present progresive:She is breaking her promises on a irregular now
Past progresive:She was breaking her promises on a irregular yesterday
WH-Cuestion:When does she break her promises on a irregular? 

Resultado de imagen para romper algo


Present tense:I become a faster runner by training today
Past tense:I became a faster runner by training yesterday
Present progrveesi:I am becoming a faster runner by training now
Past progresive:I was becoming a faster runner by training yesterday
WH-Cuestion:Who do become a faster runner by training today?

Resultado de imagen para become


Present tense:We have to shut the windows today
Past tense:We had to shut the windows yesterday
Present progresive:We are have to shutting the windows now
Past progresive:We were have to shutting the windows yesterday
WH-Cuestion:Why do we have to shut the windows today?
R/Because we have could.

Resultado de imagen para shut


Present tense:He chooses not to eat meat today
Past tense:He chose not to eat meat yesterday
Present progresive:He is choosing not to eat meat now 
Past progresive:He was choosing not to eat meat yesterday
WH-Cuestion:What does choose not to eat?

Resultado de imagen para CHOOSE


Present tense:They put the cheese on the table today
Past tense:They put the cheese on the table yesterday
Present progresive:They are put the cheese on the table now
Past progresive:They were put the cheese on the table yesterday

Resultado de imagen para PUT

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